Data Visualisation

Programme with times and speaker profiles GMM_Symposium.

Data has recently become the centre of much attention: from big data, to data sharing; from leaked data to private data collected by government agencies and stored to prevent crime. Academics, journalists, policymakers, practitioners and industry commentators have addressed the importance of data to study the world around us and have called for ways of making data more accessible. More accessible data is believed to lead to more accessible services, more accountable institutions, more understandable phenomena. Data visualisation is one of the ways in which data can be made more accessible to a wider audience.

Data visualisation is used in a number of key areas: from news organisations, to government departments, to creative industries, to human rights in social and political conflict. It is used to illustrate events and to explain social phenomena and ideas.

This one day symposium, hosted by MA Global Media Management at Winchester School of Art on Wednesday 14th June, brings together academics, postgraduate students and industry practitioners to explore what visualisation can tell us about information that would not otherwise be as readily accessible. The day will be split into three parts, each introduced by an expert in the field and then opened up to the audience in the final round table.

  1. Digital storytelling: Dr Anna Feigenbaum (Bournemouth): Scraping, Sorting and Storytelling: Dealing with Data in Social Justice Research
  2. Tools and methods: Cath Sleeman (Nesta): Data visualisation in practice
  3. Political approaches to data visualisation:  Cristian Hernández (data scientist): From Open to Public Data: a Citizen Data Science Approach

On display will also be a selection of student work from the MA Communication Design programme’s 2016 “Data Physicalisation” exhibition. The project asked students to collect data on the topic of E-Waste and to represent that data in physical form. The brief provides further information and there is an overview of images from the exhibition.

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Poster: GMM_Symposium